Online Class Notes (Ally)


Horoscope: xing zuo

Jinx: (v or n)

  1. I don’t want to jinx it

Archenemy: the only one big enemy

Rival : long time enemy

Bear a grudge: 记仇

scapegoat: 替罪羊


Mood swings: different mood suddenly

Social media

Superstitious: mi xin

Temp: lin shi gong

Lie by omission


Tap wood

knock on wood

We had to stay quiet/remain quiet

She really make my high-school time miserable

She really got me into a lot of trouble.

They need to check the water tap is clean.

They need to inspect…

I choose the arts/humanities

My classmate in college

My college classmate

I don’t have a big ego.

The case lose

We lost the case

Shout in front of the interns

Shout at the interns

Dive in how to do it

Dive in early/intervene

Control the fallout