Online Class Notes (Ally)


company line (台词): 官方台词
ie. Give me the company line.

miRAculous: 神奇的 奇迹的 (adj)

combination skin: mixture

cough syrup: 止咳糖浆

maple syrup: 枫糖浆 for pancakes

restless: 不能安静下来 can’t rest (adj)

turn-off: 下头

get back together/make UP 和好(v): 复合

forgivable: able to forgive (adj)

phony: (口语) 虚伪的

cheat on sb: 出轨

Speaking exercise

it normally continue one year. (stop v cont)
it normally lasts for one year. (time, keep going)
lasting effect – long-term effect

if they pay 100 yuan, they want us to do 1000 yuan.
if they pay 100 yuan, they want us to do 1000 yuan worth of work.

he has so much nerve- 太有脸了

they cheat us
they stole our proposal/they lied to us/they tricked us

we finished as his requirement
we finished per(according to) his requirement
ie. Per your requirements on …., we have already …

we don’t want to cooperate with them
we don’t want to work with them

the results can’t be so bad
the campaign/it can’t go wrong.

I’m easy to tired
It’s easy for me to get(v) tired.
I get tired very easily these days.