Online Class Notes (Ally)


trail: mountain road

hiking gear

crutch: 拐杖

steep: 陡

diagonal: 斜线的


appetite: 胃口
ie. I have a good appetite

bon appetite

frisbee: 飞盘

lucrative: more profits

new money: 暴发户

specialty: 特色

retrospect: 回顾;追忆;追溯力;参照
ie. in retrospect

Speaking exercise

it only takes 3 hours to play TMS park
it only takes 3 hours to play/go through the park

a professional person for climbing the mountain
a professional hiker

to be edited:

one of my beautiful wish

to make his grandson went to byg

he still wants to use the old people

ask them for dinner together with their wives

their company was moved to Minhang

to receive rental for the company

make their child to be together to be with other rich kids

not for outsiders

low-probability event

it was only 5 months when we know the policy

we changed house

I was quite behind them

I have a lot of clarity (clear noun)