Online Class Notes (Ally)


venues: 场地;会场;(体育)场馆;集合地点

kindergarten: 幼儿园

permanent residence: PR

capitalism: 资本主义

administration:  generation of govt
ie. current administration / Biden administration

primitive: 原始

patriotic: 爱国的

pension: 退休金

ignorant: (对某事物)不了解的;无知的;愚昧的;无学识的 don’t know don’t care

antitrust: 反托拉斯的;反垄断的

brainwashed: 洗脑 (adj)

two-time: 脚踏两船 (v)
ie. She’s two-timing the two guys.

manipulate: PUA 操控

Speaking exercise

go and back
keeps going back and forth

retirement life

just little shopping place
there’s not a lot of places to shop/not a lot of things to do
(there’s) not too many places to shop

it exist 30 years ago
it started/was established 30 years ago (one action)
it has existed for 30 years/it has been around for 30 years

very easy to be effected/manipulated

the society backward
a step backward