Online Class Notes (Ally)


euphemism: 委婉语;委婉说法 to avoid saying something unpleasant

roundabout way: 绕着走 冤枉路

rides: 项目

docile: 温顺的

BCE: Before Christian Era
ie. 300 BCE

trumps: 踩在什么的头上
ie. COVID prevention trumps everything else.

Speaking exercise

If suddenly I don’t speak
If suddenly I stop speaking (movement)

A positive person come here
A positive person went here/ There was a positive person there/ … was there.

Our kindergarten stopped again
Our kindergarten closed again

they usually eat in a big restaurant
they usually have dinner/go to/dine in/choose a big restaurant

he seldom eats in a restaurant in a big shopping mall
he rarely eats in a restaurant in a big shopping mall

it’s very fresh for him
it’s very refreshing/new experience for him

She thought Carribean is normal
She thought Carribean is common/average/just soso

based on the time schedule
based on chronological(时间顺序) order/order that he went on.

how many rides he played
how many rides he went on.

I will always bring my parents together
I will always bring my parents along


survey (n and v) = SURvey
surVEIllance (noun)