Online Class Notes (Ally)


patriarchy: 父权制;男性统治的社会(或制度、国家);男权政治

newlyweds: 新婚的人

gesture: 手势;表示;动作;举动
ie. gesture of thanks/ that’s a good gesture

dowry: (新娘家给新郎的)嫁妆;(新郎给新娘家的)彩礼

fixation: (对…的)异常依恋;癖;

marry rich/marry up: get married with a rich guy

pregnancy leave

pitch in: To help out; to contribute or assist.
ie. Ashley, do you want to pitch in? (do you have anything to add to what I’m saying?) Feel free to pitch in.

Speaking exercise

the parents will give that
the parents would (for habits ) provide that for them

most people who attend the ceremony the couples may don’t know them
the couples might not know most of the people who attend the ceremony/at the ceremony

because some other problems in their relationship
because some other underlying problems in their relationship

a lot of girls’ parents will also buy them a house
a lot of girls’ parents will also pitch in

if they’re not originally bj or sh people
if they’re not originally from bj or sh

girls contributed about 90% in the class
girls make up about 90% in the class
90% of the class consists of girls/are made up of girls

there are lots of girls and the boys are very little
there were lots of girls and very few boys in comparison

have you gotten up?
are you up?