Online Class Notes (Ally)


algorithms: 算法

commentator/commentary: 解说

narrator: 画外音 旁边 解说员

trailer: 预告片

spoiler: 剧透
ie. Spoiler alert! sdfasdf …

elite: 精英

presentable: 能见人的 能给大家看的 (in terms of appearance)

geeks: 宅男
ie. she’s really geeky./She’s wearing really geeky glasses.

nerds: 宅男 + good at school

crackdown: 镇压 打压

illegal fund raising: 非法集资

rigged: 操纵

Speaking exercise

Edit for homework:

world wide food / food in the world

I have not often watched this kind of video

every episode takes 45 minutes

I even have not application like TikTok

I watch the videos just to make fun

I don’t know if the users become less and less after TikTok developed

they stopped to hold the election