Online Class Notes (Ally)


impulsive: 冲动的

security blanket: 背后的保障

talent: 天赋

keep my options open: to have more choices open

nag: 烦 唠叨
ie. My mom nags me all the time.

informed:  has lots of info

genuine: 真的 真的;名副其实的;真诚的;诚实的
ie. this bag is genuine

settle: 凑合

have a hangover: 宿醉
ie. Ally, I have a huge hangover from last night./ I’m super wasted.

Speaking exercise

they’re wise
they’re very informed (they have lots of information)

quote from my father
to quote my father … ” ….”

they don’t have truth
they are not very sincere/genuine

we don’t want to find the soso persons
we don’t want to settle (for the second best)

wait she call me
so I wait for her to call me/for her call