Online Class Notes (Ally)


stagnant: unmoving

bustling: 繁华 very busy

monkey pox: hou dou

ptsd: post-traumatic stress disorder

blow over: pass
ie. Wait for it to blow over and everything will be fine.

slack off: mo yu

hype: 热度的东西
ie. Japanese restaurants are the new hype in SH.

patriotic: 爱国的

pessimistic: 悲观的 <> optimistic: 乐观的

reality tv:真人秀

saturated: 饱和的 saturation (n)

downsize: 缩减 <> expand

skillset: set of skills

involution: 卷

rat race: 卷 internal competition

meaningless/pointless: no meaning/no point

Speaking exercise

Edit for next class:

some of them is pending

incoming holiday

underground discussion

suburb in center of city

paid leave/vacation

they understand another things

cause a lot of duplicate communication

push the process of the project

it’s because of trust

the transportation time