Online Class Notes (Ally)


failures: 失败

struck a nerve: 扎心

genre: 类型 for movies books music

loners: people who are alone 单身狗

lifetime stats: 数据
ie. my stats are really good.

tempting: 诱惑的

administration: current govt
ie. Bush administration, obama administration

self-discipline: 自律

vibe/aura: FEEL

treasure: 宝物 (n and v)
ie. I treasure my K-pop CD collection.

pretentious: 装的

Speaking exercise

contrary to popular belief

I was busy at that time
I kept myself busy at that time

I had no time to spare

at almost time
for most of the time/majority of the time

when I have no space to be a jungle
when my jungle position is taken up by someone else/someone else takes up the jungle position

I’m glad at that time I’ve been an adult
I’m glad at that time I was an adult/I’ve been an adult for some time

in the background that parents need to work …
provided with the fact that parents need to work …
under the consideration that…