Online Class Notes (Ally)


villain: bad character

discrimination: 歧视

preconception: 事先形成的观念;先入之见;预想;成见

robin hood: 罗宾汉  steals from the rich and gives to the poor

philosophy: 哲学

human nature:人性

fashion: trendy

backing: support 背衬;帮助;协助;

director: 导演

ie. There’s a famous saying “don’t judge a book by its cover”.

calligraphy: 书法
ie. I don’t know Chinese calligraphy

penmanship: 笔迹 〈正式〉书写;笔迹;笔体
ie. I have good penmanship.

font: 字体


tragic: 惨兮兮 悲惨的
ie. tragic childhood/tragic car accident

tragedy: 悲剧

comedy: 喜剧

trend: 潮流

trending topic: 热搜

got wind of this: 听到了风声

completion marks: yes or no

Speaking exercise

sad/tragic childhood

there don’t have the good vs bad
There isn’t the good vs bad quality in this movie

it’s a very fashion movie
it’s a very trendy movie

you just finish it and the teacher will see did you done it
you just finish it and the teacher will check if you did it
you just finish it for completion marks

I learn it when I was grade 2 or grade 1
I started learning it when I was in grade 1
I have been learning it since grade 1

10 different properties about a person
10 different personalities/characteristics about a person