Online Class Notes (Ally)


rebellious: 叛逆

mating/rutting season: 发情期 发情季节;发情期

sterilize: 绝育

sterile: 不能生育的;不育的;无菌的;消过毒的

play along: To cooperate with someone or pretend to do so; to support or agree with something that someone is doing or saying, especially as part of a joke, lie, or scam.

jumbled: 乱蓬蓬

Speaking exercise

one point five weeks it’s totally nightmare
There was totally nightmare past one week
The past week and a half was a total nightmare.

she wants this, it’s her willingness
she has made up her mind – 已经决定好了

I’m not strong enough like daily you look at me
I’m not strong like you see me everyday/like you think

I moved out recently before the mid-autumn festival
I will move out soon, before the mid-autumn festival.

the first time we know each other you finished the hospital already
we knew each other after you finished the hospital stay
we didn’t even know each other when you were in the hospital

her memory will be a mess
her memory will jumbled

if she feels not good
if she’s not in a good mood

I’m not easy to say I’m wrong
I would not/do not say I’m wrong easily.
To me, to admit my mistake/admitting my mistake is difficult.
To me, it’s difficult to admit my mistake.