Online Class Notes (Ally)


nibble: 一点点啃
ie. Annie, stop nibbling at your food!

overpriced: 溢价的

ceremony:仪式 ceremonial 有仪式感的

anniversaries: 纪念日

pajamas: 睡衣


crowd (n): 人群

respiratory system: 呼吸器官system

phobia: 恐惧症

snort: 哼
ie. My dad snorted at me.

ceiling: 天花板
ie. ceiling fan. a fan on the ceiling.

vibe: feeling

go with the flow: 随缘

passed by me: 路过

passerby: 路人

Speaking exercise

some little bit things need to be said a lot of times
some little things need to be expressed out loud/lots of times

I will feel my breath is…
I have difficulty breathing
I can feel that my breathing is not very smooth
It’s hard to take a breath

(I need to take a breath – 我需要暂停一下 等一下 呼吸一下)

I and my teachers’ ….are not suitable
My teachers’ personality and mine/we are not suitable for eachother

I tell you a thing is very awkward
I’ll tell you something awkward

it’s in the building close to my building
it’s in the next building 挨着的. It’s in the building nearby.

friends do not play an important role in my life