Online Class Notes (Ally)


miss out: 错过
ie. I missed out on a great opportunity.

immigration: 移民
ie. immigration was very popular in the 2000’s.

tear down: 毁掉 摧毁掉 destroy

mansions: 大别墅 (豪华的 luxury)

rite of passage: (标志人生重要阶段的)通过仪式 / 成年礼

obvious: 明显的

salary:薪水 monthly/annual

bonus: 奖金
ie. year-end bonus

wage: (通常指按周领的)工资  xxx/hour
ie. My wage is 20 yuan per hour.

higher standard of living: 高生活品质
ie. If your salary is low but you want a higher standard of living, it takes a toll on yourself.

take a toll on someone/something: cause damage gradually by influence

compared to: 相较于

numb: 麻木的

social status:社会地位

crackdown: 打击
ie. the government’s crackdown on big IT companies

inflation: 通货膨胀 your money gets less valuable

stocks: 股票

shift: 转换 change from one side to the other
ie. My attitude shifted (from disagreeing with you to agreeing with you).

stubborn: 固执的

careless: 大意的 粗心的 不小心的
ie. a careless mistake

expectation: 期待值

envy: 羡慕

Speaking exercise

If my salary is very low I want …
If my salary is very low, I would get the life I think is comfortable.

no one ask you must to be rich
no one asks that you must be a rich guy/no one asks you to be rich/no one asks that you have to be rich

I think that the society has a very unfair attitude towards women who are stay-at-home moms.