Online Class Notes (Ally)


An interesting book you read recently/you want to read (finish when you can)

quality over quantity – 质量>数量


embarrassed: 不好意思 害羞

turn someone down: 拒绝 (朋友间的)

refuse: 拒绝 (正式的)

(AC) air conditioning: 空调

furnace: 暖气

industrial: 工业的

electric power: 电力

water dams: 水坝

residents: 居民

increase the price

capitalist: 资本主义

falling apart: 一片一片的 垮掉

forest fire: 山火

popup window: 弹窗
ie. A window/notification popped up (弹)

popup: 弹
ie. I saw a popup that said I needed to get a new health code.

popup store: 快闪店

muddy: 泥的

garbage categorizing: 垃圾分类


preconceptions: 偏见 成见

ideal: 理想中的

Speaking exercise

I went to BJ/TJ last week.

There is very comfortable. 23-25.

SC is main province put out electricity(n) to other cities.

There have a river called 海河

Ganges river was rising

I hope I can go to the Ganges/there to shoot.

Writing exercise

I hope in five years I have complete system of knowledge and traveled many countries and feeling their way of lives and thinking.
And went to some distant places, such as Iceland, Norway, New Guinea or Easter Island. You can find some very quiet or isolated places, and you can have familiar relationships and contacts with the locals.
I hope having a stable shooting project in a new sttlement, and you can drive around in your leisure time, discover new people or things, and meet new friends.
All of this helps me to do something more ideas and innovative.
I like a lot of directors, and I hope to create good works like them, but more importantly, my own style and my own observations. I watched some of the courses of directors I liked, and they talked about similar things, that is to observe life and read a lot book, or to understand yourself more deeply.
But that’s the step you have to go through, and it’s not the same as building a house or doing a manual work, it’s not that you can progress by working hard every day. And more importantly, experiences and feelings。
So I don’t know what kind of filmmaker I will become in five years, this is based on my life and experience in the next five years, and I can do now is try to make myself have a abundant life in five years.


I hope in five years, I would have a complete system of knowledge and traveled to many countries and felt their way of living and thinking.
And I will go to some distant places, such as Iceland, Norway, New Guinea or Easter Island. You can find some very quiet or isolated places, and you can have familiar relationships and contacts with the locals.
I hope I would have a stable shooting project in a new sttlement, and I can drive around in my leisure time, discover new people or things, and meet new friends.
All of this helps me to have more ideas and innovation.
I like a lot of directors, and I hope to create good works like them, but more importantly, to have/develop my own style and my own observations. I watched some courses of directors I like, and they talked about similar things, that is to observe life and read a lot books, or to understand yourself more deeply.
But that’s the step you have to go through, and it’s not the same as building a house or doing a manual work, it’s not something you can make progress on by working hard every day. And more importantly, to have more experiences and feelings。
So I don’t know what kind of filmmaker I will become in five years, this is based on my life and experience in the next five years, and I can do now is try to make myself have a full life in five years.