Online Class Notes (Ally)


have the upper hand:has the advantage/can make the first move
ie. She can make the first move

grunt work: 乏味的重活

rebound relationship:  接盘

hype: 炒作

frenzy: 迷乱;狂怒;狂热

menopause: 更年期

entry-level: 底层的

boot camp: 集训班

not a quitter
ie. I’m not a quitter (type of person you are) vs I never quit anything (action).

double-edged sword

Speaking exercise


she resigned (v).

she also takes the role as budget administrator.

the people need to take part of her job

this is my first time that I refuse

she was trying me.

I think a lot of … how to reply her

there’s something happened in her family

you can tell her whatever you think .. I will help you to deal with it afterwards

I don’t want to always take over others’ work.

the first reaction is to defend themselves

I will do what he asked me to do.