Online Class Notes (Ally)


requirement: 要求

“for good” : 正式的 永久性的

feedback: 反馈;反馈意见;回授;【电子】反馈

renovating: 装修

far- further: 远 更远
ie. It will be a little bit further (compared to now)

on purpose: 故意的
ie. You didn’t go see the new apt on purpose?

scenery: 风景

overlooking the ocean: 看一片海


stay-at-home mom/home maker/house wife: 家庭主妇

house work/chores: 家务/杂事;家务活

earn: 赢得;挣得;挣钱;赚得 get something through making an effort

set:设置(v) setting(n): 设置
ie. The settings of phone …

monopoly: da fu weng

neutral: 中立的

Speaking exercise

I earn 60 dollars per hour. (60/hr).

one week once or one week twice
once or twice a/per week  (how much/range)
6 times a/per year

now people’s fashion things
the things that are in fashion now
the things that people are into now

everyone must work together to find the truth


mystery-solving/ detective

competition 、war

funny storyline



whatever they go outside or not, they don’t inside my days
no matter if they go outside or not, they don’t affect my day

“it sounds like a lifetime to you” – it must sound really really really long to you

you can satisfy your parents

I prefer to my feeling
I prefer guys/boys that makes me feel something
My feelings are the most important

you can plus points
you can earn points

he will make a lot of alarm clocks
he will set a lot of alarm clocks