Online Class Notes (Ally)


sort out: 理清楚
ie. sort out our problems

faith: 信仰
ie. I have faith in you. = I believe in you.

top-of-the-line: most advanced
ie. I bought a top-of-the-line laptop.

split-screen: 分屏

switch: 轴

infamous: negatively famous

all-you-can-eat/buffet: 自助餐

scallops: 扇贝

scalpers: yellow cow
ie. scalped tickets

cheat: WG

plugin: not illegal

perma-ban: banned permanently

thrilling: 爽


painful vs hurt vs in pain
– painful: creates pain (ie. breakup, bad comment, insult, accident)
– hurt: feel pain or cause pain (ie. I hurtyou , my back hurts)

Speaking exercise

my back and neck are painful
my back and neck hurt(v)/in pain (state)

they will find another friend in Cali
they will meet/get together with/meet up with another friend in Cali

I will book ticket from 8th to 13th September
I will book a ticket anytime/day from/in the range of 8th to 13th September

it will cost more price
it will cost more
the price will be higher
it will be more expensive

It can suit every size of …
It can suit all screen sizes

you can find a more clear picture on the screen
you can see clearer pictures on the screen
you can see the enemies/targets more clearly on the screen

we have a lot of dinner and lunch before we left SH
we have a lot of meals before we leave SH/we leave for Scotland

we cannot eat so many delicious food
we cannot find so many delicious foods/restaurants there
there are not a lot of delicious foods in Scotland

maybe I’ll be crazy
maybe I’ll go crazy

the people in NZ is not as much as YX
There’s not as many people in NZ as/like in YX
NZ is not as popular/crowded as YX

when you watch TikTok and other apps
when you watch TikTok videos and other apps
when you’re on TikTok and other apps