Online Class Notes (Ally)


guilty pleasure

urge: 冲动; 强烈的欲望

feverish: 发烧

party favors: 小糖 小赠品

overplay: 太多

makeup (n): 化妆品; 天性;性格; 组成; 构成;
ie. what is the gender makeup in your workplace?

offspring:  后代; 崽兽; 幼崽; 幼苗;

preserved: 腌制的

taboo: nono

Speaking exercise

it was sold around primary school

start to dress themselves
they’re care about their dressing everyday

she’s focused on her work

make a move on DD

he feels discriminate by the other gay colleagues

it’s heart formed

I think agency’s work is very difficult among all of the industry

fish gelatin’s price depends on how big they are