Online Class Notes (Ally)


do some reading


exacerbate: worsen

student orientation:

interference: 干扰 interfere(v)

lag: 延迟
ie. There’s huge lag
ie. You’re lagging

“hold your hand”: helping you step-by-step like helping a baby

correlation: 相关性
ie. It’s related, but there’s no strong correlation/not strongly correlated.

ie. I can see the resemblance (n) between these 2 games.
ie. Game A resembles game B in the sense that ..

portray/describe: 描绘 刻画

ie. We recreated the scenes from WWII.

Speaking exercise

I will apply my visa on the next week

today some people have been applying the visa together

I need to go to the bank to write some documents

we should a lot of coats we could prevent wet

when we get to there

the game addiction has physical issues

I thought I was going to get a B, instead I got a C+

Speaking exercise

I learned the structure of the writing from the English class and the cooperation from the design class. A good essay needs a good structure; for a paragraph, you need a topic sentence, body, and conclusion. For the whole essay, you also need the topic sentence to explain your topic of your essay and the body to explain the topic, and a conclusion paragraph to conclude your finding. This structure will help the audience to understand your essay clearly. Secondly, when you make a project with your teammates you need to know how to cooperate with your classmates. A proper arrangement can save a lot of time and improve the efficiency. When I worked with my classmates, at first we didn’t allocate the work so some people did the same work and another result we lose a lot of time. And then we communicated with each other at first and everyone focused on their own works and finally we succeed in finishing the game. All in all, these two things was what I learned from the class.

In this class we should speak English.
In this class we have to speak English.
should vs need to vs have to vs probably

both of them has different difficulties
they have different difficulties
both of them have difficulties, but in different ways

they are both difficult, but in different ways

for games designed for artistic/creative purpose

reappear the historical events
portray the historical events

I suddenly think about something
I suddenly recall something
I suddenly thought of something

nobody can fix it
beyond repair

there was a building according to the Notre Dame
there was/is a building resembling the Notre Dame

They don’t think the Notre Dame building was born in the future
They don’t think the Notre Dame building would be burned down in the future


burn born – “bern” vs “born”