Online Class Notes (Ally)


adhere to:

loose/lenient: (惩罚或执法时)宽大的,宽容的,仁慈的
ie. The policy is very lenient in Sanya.

in accordance with: following
ie. in accordance with company policy…

CDC: center for disease control

legitimate: 正当合理的; 合情合理的; 合法的; 法律认可的; 法定的; 合法婚姻所生的

valid: reasonable

health nut: 养生的 怕死的

misconception: wrong conception构思; 构想; 受孕; 设想; 理解(认为某事怎样或应该怎样); 怀孕

cockroach: Zhang lang

gold digger: a girl who marries for money

involution: nei juan

internal competition: 内在的竞争

aesthetics: shen mei

unified: 统一; 使成一体; 使一元化

diversified: (adj)

have/grow thick skin: not afraid of rejection/embarrassment

board of directors: dong shi hui

badmouth: say bad things

daring: 大胆的; 勇敢的; 敢于冒险的

probability: 概率

Speaking exercise

They traveled to Haining this morning.
They went on a trip to Haining this morning.
on vacation/on a trip / on leave – status

she come back to SH
she came back to SH
… she was in+ something happened
ie. She was in SH and she had dinner. vs She went to SH and she had dinner.


If you have anything emergency

you have to follow the policy

for foreigners to come in

they’re scared of pain

when she got a husband better than she was alone

he loves online gaming very badly

I’m not meet the standard aesthetic at that time

His opinions are very different from board

he didn’t say anything bad about the board