Online Class Notes (Ally)


connecting/transfer flight:转机

ferry: sea bus

pass: 通行证3

minions: 下属; 小卒; 杂役;

piece together: 拼凑成

nominees: 提名者
ie. it was nominated. (v)they got the nomination.

spoiled kids: 被宠坏的

spoil your dinner: ruin your dinner

spoiler: 剧透
ie. spoiler alert

Speaking exercise

by ship
by ferry

the company of the airplane is not allowed to check in in harbor
the airplane company does not allow me to check in at the harbor.

I don’t know how difficult I get the passport
I don’t know how difficult it is to get the pass.

my travel is unsure
I’m uncertain about my travel plans

his wife was killed before a long time
his wife was killed a long time ago/before
she’s been dead for a long time

took the form of his wife

she became the original appearance
she took/turn into the original appearance

You can piece together the whole story through different clues in the game.

innovation point
innovative idea

the total point is 10
It is out of 10