Online Class Notes (Ally)


freelance: (adj) 特约的;自由职业(者)的 don’t have to go to work everyday
ie. I want to do freelance work.
ie. I want to be a freelance journalist/musician….

routine: 常规的;例行公事的;日常的;平常的

efficient: 效率

refuse: 拒绝

just right: 刚刚好
ie. I think it’s just right.

dorm room: 宿舍

closet: 柜子

sound: 酣(睡);(睡得)沉
ie. sleep soundly

playlist: 歌单

copyrights: 版权

ie. Shape of You – Cover by: Ally

cheap: 抠门

instrumental music: music without lyrics, only sounds of instruments

Kpop: Korean popular (music)
ie. Are you into K pop? (do you follow Korean idols/listen to music…)

disinterested: 不感兴趣

indifferent: 无所谓 无感

TV series

adapted from: 根据…. 改编
ie. A lot of Jap anime series are adapted from Jap novels.

grand: 伟大 宏大


Speaking exercise

my … when I’m doing works is very bad.
my efficiency is very low when I’m doing work.

I doing it one week.
I finished it in one week.

the songs are not worth the money.

you don’t believe in paid music?

open the xunhuan
turn on the replay/put it on replay

I don’t care for it. – i don’t like it myself/not interested in it.