Online Class Notes (Ally)


read news article and record yourself (clear and slow)


“how come”: 怎么说

funding: money for project

mock: 模拟


syllable: 音段

playlist: 歌单

postproduction: 后期制作

iconic: 具 代表性 标志性

perfect pitch: 绝对音准

promising: has a wonder future

omit: 省略

horror: genre , not “horrible”
ie. I love horror movies.

horrible: 糟糕的

Speaking exercise

nothing special.
there’s not a lot to do.
I didn’t have a lot to do.
Not a lot going on.

if someone want to recommend their product, they need…
The pitch is to give presentation to audience to seek for funding.
If someone wants to recommend their product or their game, they need to give a pitch/a presentation/a proposal to an audience in order to get funding.

you need less time to catch audience attraction and make them your product is very good and has a wonderful future.
you need to catch audience attention ASAP/immediately and tell them/convince them that your product is very good and has a promising future./promising.

a game can help people to learn the harvard style
we made a pitch for a game that …/our pitch was about ….

It can make you feel more immersed, especially when you play the horror game.

post development

Q: what is your opinion of Jay Chou? Who’s your favorite singer/artist? What’s your favorite music?
A: I think JC is an outstanding singer. Firstly, he has a good command of musical tools/instruments(tunes?). He always uses diff musical tools in diff performances. Secondly, he has excellent talent/he is very talented(adj). He has absolute feeling of music/perfect pitch when he was born, so he has special advantage compared to other people. Thirdly  he is a man who is a perfectionist when it comes to his career/he is very hardworking/professional. Each time he gives a performance, he always uses his real voice to sing a song. Last but not least, he is well-rounded, because he likes playing games and he keeps/maintains good relationships with people when he is playing games. So I think JC is a perfect singer.

Although some people said he is not as good as before. I think he’s still the best, because as example his previous album. In the past, people think it’s very bad, after several years his success proved that he is leading the trend.


g -A-me





firstly – lee

command – “a”

tools: “too”+ “oles”