Online Class Notes (Ally)

Speaking exercise

puppy: baby dog

fur: 毛

pack: (v) 打包 装东西

strict: 严格

fail: 挂科 失败
ie. He failed an exam.

carsick/seasick/airsick: 晕…

cruise: 游轮

stop (noun, in the middle of a trip): 一站
ie. This is my stop. (这是我的站)

deck: 甲板

stupid: lame, 笨

cliche: 老套
ie. That movie is so cliche. (the story is not original/creative)

effects: 特效 效果


tanned skin: 小麦色
ie. I want to get a tan(n). (我想美黑)
ie. she is tanned. (adj)

fair skin/light skin: 白肤色

lines: 台词

ie. She has a forced smile on her face.

sign up: 报名



lemonade: 柠檬茶

bitter: 涩


buffet/all-you-can-eat: 自助餐厅

exquisite/delicate/fine: 精致
ie. fine dining: 高级餐厅


stamina: 耐力

put on: 上演
ie. They put on a great show.
ie. She puts on very heavy makeup.
ie. Annie, put on your mask.

Speaking exercise

my brother’s toys is more than me
my brother’s toys are more than mine. (我弟弟的玩具比我的多)
my brother has more toys than I do.
I have more books than my brother does.

They let me do what I want.
They give me lots of freedom.

the airplane take 12 hours
It takes 12 hours by plane
The plane ride(行程 S, noun) takes(v) 12 hours

there has 3 restaurants
There are 3 restaurants on the cruise

In the all-you-can-eat, the food is not very exquisite/delicate/fine.

different class’s student
She is a student from another class/a different class.
She’s from another class.

not too much

the group will show one drama
the group will put on one drama performance

one day a learning year/semester/term


Ice land