Online Class Notes (Ally)


feminin: niang pao

sex orientation: preferred sex in partner

recite: bei song
ie. recite a poem

derogatory: 贬低的; 贬义的

cynicism: 认为世人皆自私的观念; 愤世嫉俗; (对成功或人的真善的)怀疑  (adj) cynical (person) cynic
ie. I’m a cynic.

under my covers:被子下

Speaking exercise

she will not try to cover up her mistake/pass the blame

it suffers a lot for my colleagues
“how are your projects” “(projects are )suffering”
my colleagues are suffering.
I’m suffering from …

have a little bit of sign to argue with my team
I can sense that they’re starting to argue with my team
I can sense some arguments coming

they always change their minds to let us revise so many times
they always change their minds so we have to revise so many times
they always change their minds and make us revise so many times