Online Class Notes (Ally)


botanical garden: 植物园

play pretend: 假装game


give in: 让步

tough luck: 不巧啊 不走运啊

lift: 抬起来

bankrupt:破产 broke

ramifications: consequences, result, outcome, aftermath, ramifications, fallout

nepotism: 裙带关系

Speaking exercise

to pick my son to her home

when he sleeps he should hug his jellyfish blanket

we tried to attract him with other things

you should not give in to his demands

also with the pressurecp of DR policy

they cannot give the salary in time

no matter how hard you work, it can never chase the

If I sell/ If I sold my apartment …

I save the 10 mil into bank

I’m one of earliest ones to have a baby among my friends

they didn’t believe in me

I can quit even tomorrow

you want to live in a better environment neighborhood

he didn’t change his job in the whole 30 years
he didn’t change his job once in 30 years

I can play mahjong when I was 4
I could play mahjong by the time I was 4