Online Class Notes (Ally)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


naive: 天真

socialist: 社会主义

expired: 过期的

starving: 挨饿 starvation (n)

numbness: (n)
ie. I’m numb.

annoyed/irritated: 烦躁

primal: original, primitive

green onion: 葱

ginger: 姜

garlic: 蒜

firefighters: 消防员

gain weight: 加重

pissed off: annoyed

desperate: 绝望

formality: 形式主义

bankrupt: 破产

unrest/instability in the society

condescending: 居高临下

saying: 说法,名言

hardcore: 硬核


I feel very strongly. (adv) = 我对xxx有很强的feeling
ie. I feel strongly about politics. = I really care about politics.

I feel strong. (adj) = 我感觉很强大强壮

Speaking exercise

I went to Xinjiang all the march/in March
I was in Xinjiang all of march

I focused on my cellphone every time because I need to …
I focused on my cellphone all the time because I need to …

my neighbor adviced in our group
my neighbor told us/notified us/sent a notification/message in our group.

I cooked very seriously
I did hardcore cooking
ie. I’m a hardcore gamer

my neighbors…
my neighbors got/keeps getting positive again and again.

SH is facing an economic depression.