Online Class Notes (Ally)


Edit the speaking from today’s class.

(tell me what’s wrong + revise it)


suburbs: 郊区

influx: 涌入
ie. influx of funds/people ..

ripoff: too expensive (for idiots)

rite of passage: (标志人生重要阶段的)通过仪式

Speaking exercise

property investment have been growing

going up or down? the same

a call disturbed

I didn’t regret to buy this apt

we’re new settlement

people who ask for how can immigrate to Canada, the amount is booming

this wish has kept in my mind for a long time

put my most energy into my family

this major is bachelor’s

have some hesitate in some business management and arts

the new government

SH people always don’t care the policy

the SH people I’m familiar with since I was born

buy an expensive house to let their child to go to the top public school, although the house is poverty.

their parents are vanity

the most city I love is Florence