Online Class Notes (Ally)


Himalayas: 喜马拉雅mountain

back and forth: 来来回回

in someone’s face: 踩在谁的脸上

Speaking exercise

more higher graphics
better graphics/more advanced graphics

when you climb at one point, you will find some monkey appear
when you arrive at a certain point, you will find a monkey or another animal.

no, but the monitor will be shaked when the animals appeared in front of you
no, but the screen will shake when the animals appear in front of you

we can know the main task of the homework
we can understand/we are clear on the main task of the homework

and show it in everyone face
and show it to everyone

you have to jump out to be accessible to another safe place
you have to jump out/leap/make a leap/jump so you can get to/reach another spot safely/safe spot

Writing exercise

– which game did you choose?
– def of serious game
– how your game fits def
– outline the goal of the writing : criteria and game review

-pos aspect
-neg aspect
– why is it a serious game

– summary: key point of essay
– how did you achieve goal in intro?


Criteria of Serious Game:
A: the game must have a goal + teach people skill
– goal: teach people how to climb, for rock climbers, mountain climbers, wall climbers…
B: the game must stimulate a real-world situation
– real locations/landmarks, real-world body movements, gravity, 1st perspective, how to use the rope, experience when you fall…
C: balance between game and skill teaching
– teaches climbing skills, your arm movements
– you can fall down like bungee, use ropes to swing back and forth, scenery/beautiful sight

– high quality graphics + famous landmark
– reviews from other players: experience bungee jumping
– competition for fastest record; fun with friends

– You cannot exercise your body, especially your lower body
– limited maps ; get bored easily