Online Class Notes (Ally)


jump hoops: solve different problems in different stages


Speaking exercise

break into pieces
fall apart

they just acquired by Loreal last year

They just opened the accounts less than one year

I have to pick a call

So I just let him …

we asked for experiences the heibox wants

If you want to reach 10-30m impressions, you have to spend same amount of budget.

all the target audience from him wants different category products

there is only so much consumers in this pool, so if you sell something frequently.


1. the client is not very reasonable for the proposal.
The client gave/comments provided some unreasonable feedbacks to our proposal.

2. I want to figure out if we are not do the right tone for this brand.
I want to figure out it we provided the right tone for this brand.

3. give me some message
Reply to my message./Message/text me back

4. everyone talk about this collection is their objective.
Everyone says they want this collection the most.

5. before the iphone was launched
Before the new iPhone is launched.