Online Class Notes (Ally)


municipal: 市政的; 地方政府的

eradicate: 根除; 消灭; 杜绝; completely erase

antigen: 抗原

deal with: jie jue

impasse: 僵局; 绝境
ie. we are at an impasse.

defeat: 打败 (n andv)
ie. They are going to admit defeat. (n)
ie. They will never defeat (v) COVID.

inhumane: (对他人的疾苦)无动于衷的; 残忍的; 不人道的

assign blame: 责怪某方

condescending: 居高临下的; 表现出优越感的;

meddle:多管闲事; 干涉; 干预; 管闲事; 瞎搞,乱弄(尤指不应管或不懂的事物);

hot springs: 温泉

strain:for virus – delta, omicron

lethal: 致命的; 可致死的; 危害极大的; 破坏性极大的;

Speaking exercise

even your community is released to the precautionary
even your community is categorized as the precautionary area

standards for all the SH
It’s standard (adj) for all of SH/the whole SH

our community haven’t positive patient so far
our community have not gotten/haven’t had any positive patients so far

we can continue our friendship

SH has been 2 months
SH has been locked down for 2 months.

little by little, they realized that the new COVID 19 are lower death rate and very quickly spread
little by little/as time went on/goes by, they realized that the new COVID 19 strains have lower death rates/are less lethal and spread very quickly

they plan to immigration after 10 years
they plan to immigrate (v) after 10 years

their fees increased/went up

the impressive thing I memorized
the impressive thing I remembered