Online Class Notes (Ally)


hwk: incident report/analysis: what was wrong/what did you do wrong+ future improvement


euphemism: good way of saying something bad

expendable: 可牺牲的;可消耗的;可毁灭的

stigmatize: 给…加污名;给…打上烙印;【宗】使生圣疤;(以催眠术等)使生红斑

euphoria: (通常指持续时间较短的)极度愉快的心情

senior citizens: old people in the city

setup: trap / date
ie. I set Xi up with my friend from college.

inventory: 库存;财产清单;(建筑物里的物品、家具等的)清单

nagging: 唠叨;困扰;责骂;老是催促

Speaking exercise

I called some psychology support
I found/sought/asked for some psychological help/support

It helped me to work out the self-criticism

I born a baby
I give birth to/raise a baby

she’s still constantly send me the image
she’s still constantly nagging me

he threw the final punch

my mother gave me more than 5 times xiangqin
my mother set me up with 5 different suitors

special privileges that he has

I blocked/blacklisted him

