Online Class Notes (Ally)


add PVP to Genshin?

Next Class Focus

baidu “phrase” and “phase”


(student) orientation: meet everyone/class meeting

disproportionate: 不成比例的

functional: working
ie. My computer is functional. My brain is not functional.

dysfunctional: not operating normally or properly.
ie. He has a dysfunctional relationship with his gf.

target demographic: target人口

one man team

criteria: 要求 for projects

Chinese opera: 京剧

ethnicity: Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic …

martial arts: 武术


phrase:term, short written or spoken expression

traditional Chinese knot:中国结

crane: 鹤

homeroom teacher: 班主任

Speaking exercise

we took the introduce.
we introduced ourselves.
we did self-introductions.

they invited a famous Chinese opera performer.

you can apply a fight to a opponents
you can initiate a fight with opponents
you can invite your opponent to a fight

they’re not have good command in playing game.
they’re not good at playing games.

they play the game just soso
they are not gaming experts/pro gamers.

let me search it
let me search/look it up

It doesn’t need a lot of money.
You don’t need a lot of money.
It doesn’t cost a lot.

One character reach the most strongest needs 20 thousand.
You need 20 thousand to cultivate one character to the highest level./to the strongest.
Each character costs about 20k to reach the strongest stage/level.