Online Class Notes (Ally)


reside: 居住

formality: 形式
ie. It’s just a formality.

eclectic: deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources
ie. Ally has very eclectic taste when it comes to movies or music.

derogatory: 贬低的;贬义的

girly/sissy: 女人的
ie. That’s such a sissy drink.

pussy/wuss: 胆小鬼

macho man: masculine in an overly assertive or aggressive way.


take a peek: 喵一眼

parameters: 参数

subordinates: 下属

eavesdrop: 偷听
ie. I eavesdropped on their conversation.

overhear: 听说 (不是跟你说)
ie. I overheard Fran telling Ally that she’s the best.


ie. Don’t be too self-conscious.

intentionally/deliberately: 有意的

Speaking exercise

He went to the neighborhood which is the one who has Covid test negative result in XJH.
He went to the only neighborhood where all the residents have tested negative for COVID.

You can book Disney tickets from the 18th. 

say some bad words about their superior
badmouth/complain about their superior
talk behind sb’s back

it’s hard to give them new job
it’s hard to assign them new work/task

I didn’t build any contribution to maintain our relationship
I consciously/intentionally/deliberately didn’t put in any effort to maintain our relationship

the efficiency cooperation is more important.

The team is very weird for me. All the team members just stay together during the working time and off working time. They already colleague and friends. I know some of the relationship is fake. I think it’s just a show. They want to get more benefits from the team and the team head want to show it to the management. It’s not healthy.

I think the relationships between colleagues should be faraway but not too faraway.

If I will give them a little hard job, they will refuse me.