Online Class Notes (Ally)


accountable: (对自己的决定、行为)负有责任 held responsible for actions (has consequences)

scale: 称

resume: re-zo-may 简历

job-hunting: 找工作

headhunter: recruiter

care package: 关爱礼包 爱心礼包

notorious: 臭名昭著的

on edge: nervous, cautious,

assign blame:  找人责备

first responder:急救人员

Speaking exercise

put together my portfolio of all the previous campaigns I’ve done.

and you’ve seen his English.

half past one month ago
one and a half months ago
past halftime

if you sit in front of him…across from him… behind him … beside him … near him … close to him…

on the other hand, I think the companies is decreasing/has decreased their headcounts 

If they share my resume to brand hr …

the govt allowed them to go out of their homes and walk around as usual./as they would in their usual lives.

The veges’ price is the same as the normal supermarket’s/that of normal supermarkets.