Online Class Notes (Ally)

Next Class Focus



childish: immature

dodge: 躲

outspoken: 直率的 frank in stating one’s opinions, esp. if they’re controversial

thought process: 思维过程;思考过程;思维的过程


ish = ~
ie. There are 20 ish people.

will : things that happen in the future, specific future = 100%

would you like = invitation

Speaking exercise

It’s very hard because you will die for hundred times to beat the enemy.
It’s very hard because you may die for one hundred times/hundreds of times before you can beat the enemy.

they increased a lot of fans in one night
their fans increased a lot overnight./in one night.

all the games
all of the game/the entire game/the whole game

He says very little

The teams theshy is in/with theshy always makes their plays around him.
It’s better for theshy’s teams to make their plays around him.

Writing exercise

My friend has a dog that looks like Lin Yongjian.

Today’s project is done today, not leaving for tomorrow.
Today’s project must be done today, not tomorrow./left for tomorrow.
Finish/Complete today’s project

There is a KFC nearby each/every McDonald.
Where is a McDonald, there’s a KFC.

I wish I can have a boyfriend who looks like Leonardo DiCaprio.
I wish I had a boyfriend…

Why do you play games like an idiot/noob?

The people lining up at/for bluebottle must be struck in the head.

I don’t like having meals in (the) Chinese restaurants where there are many foreigners.

Your new classmate/The new student said that you were friendly to him.

The pickled instant noodles you ate last week was on the news.

Nothing is worthy in life.