Online Class Notes (Ally)


balcony: 阳台
ie. I have a large balcony. My dog is sleeping on the balcony.

free: can do what you want
ie. I feel more free at school.

hit: 打 beat
ie. Do not hit each other. Use your words.

ie. Yoyo likes to eat lettuce.

get in trouble: 惹麻烦
ie. She hit another student, so she got in trouble.

push-ups: 俯卧撑
ie. Ally can do 20 pushups, but Yoyo can only do a few pushups.

ID card:身份证
ie. Ally doesn’t have a Chinese ID card. Yoyo doesn’t have an ID card because she’s too young.

Speaking exercise

I’m very exciting.
I’m very excited.
The book/the movie is very exciting.

SH is got lockdown.
SH is on lockdown.
We are all on lockdown.

We have a refrigerator vegetables.
We have a refrigerator full of vegetables.

if you don’t afraid your parents, you can fight with your classmates.
if you are not afraid your parents, you can fight with your classmates. (don’t do this!)

30 minutes
half an hour

I didn’t have pet
I don’t have pet