Online Class Notes (Ally)


caption: words under a picture

immaculate: 纯洁的; 特别整洁的; 无误的; 无过失的;

cooped up: restrained up somewhere (normally home)


egocentric: 以自我为中心; 自私自利的;

deserted: 被遗弃的; 无人居住的; 空寂无人的; 被抛弃的; 被舍弃的

silent treatment: 冷战
ie. The silent treatment is a form of verbal abuse.

Speaking exercise

because I never be that

If my quarantine time lasts for more period.

3rd ranked content in XHS

It aim to China
It aims at China/It’s aim(n) might be China

I have a highschool classmate who has settled down there.