Online Class Notes (Ally)


For HW: read an article in English and prepare to briefly summarize it/talk about it in class.


symptom:  症状

asymptomatic: 无症状

content: satisfied 满足;满意;愿意

mentality: train of thought

strained: tense

Speaking exercise

I need to take business travel to BJ frequently, 3 or 4 days there
I need to go on business trips to BJ frequently, staying for 3 or 4 days at a time.

she took a travel to bj
she went to bj

my nose will bleed
I would have/I get a nosebleed. 

I have a very deep feeling on this
I have a very strong opinion/feeling on/about this
I feel very strongly about this.

became the center of the economy
became the economic center

we have half colleagues in BJ and half in SH
Half of our colleagues are in BJ and the others in SH

two thousand and six

she sensed the nervous situation
she sensed the tense/strained situation

this story is told for many years
this story has been told for many years
there has been a rumor going on for many years

the only thing I need to go there is to catchup with my superior
the only thing I need to do there is to catchup with my superior
the only purpose I need to go there for/my only purpose for going there is to catchup with my superior