Online Class Notes (Ally)


metropolitan: big fancy city

severity: seriousness

time difference/different time zones

“close call”
ie. It was a close call. I almost got quarantined in Reel.

strained: uneasy

film-developing: in a dark room

hydrate: get lots of water

Speaking exercise

It’s close to your home.
It’s near your home.

I hope the war comes to an end soon.

I think every people need to pass the virus and get the antibodies.
I think everybody/I think people need to get the virus and get the antibodies.

In the beginning, medical resources were strained

Any people don’t know how to do something about it
People didn’t know/Nobody knew how to do something about it/how to manage it/deal with it.

Now every hospital … know something about the virus. /
greater awareness

I want to go to Spain. But we live in China and now it’s impossible.
To live in China is impossible now, because …/ It’s impossible to live in China now because…

3000 or more new cases everyday. 

I never see some videos.
I have never seen your videos

it’s like that one (for a thing)
it’s just like that/ it’s similar to that (for a event)