Online Class Notes (Ally)


cover up: 瞒着
ie. We covered up our mistake.

preset: set before ..

whereabouts: 去哪里了 (n)
ie. She asked me his whereabouts

facilitate: make something easier/faster

the silent treatment: 不理他

Speaking exercise

I summary our solution
I’m going to/I’ll summarize our solution
I’ll give you a brief summary of our solution

I hope to … the understanding of the project
I hope to facilitate the/help your understanding of the project

to make sure the understanding of our project is correct
to make sure you have a complete/full/comprehensive understanding of our project

we category our clients channel into digital channel and voice channel
we categorize(v) our clients channel into digital channel and voice channel

open the monitoring function
turn on the monitoring function

if they refuse the monitoring request, we cannot be allowed to analyze the info.

His job is around HR
His job is about/related to HR/works in the HR industry

they hire senior and junior position
they hire senior and junior position staff.

when your visitor is from outside
when your visitor is from the public

the night is..
it was almost midnight/past midnight/very late in the night

he just had a sleep on the street
he just slept it off on the street

I will talk nothing with my husband
I will give my husband the silent treatment.