Online Class Notes (Ally)


think about the following 3 Qs and be prepared to talk about them next class:
explain the game mode of 云顶之弈

LOL amusement park – what is it like? what kind of attractions? design

LOLM – why is it unsuccessful ?

Summary of news report:
TikTok news


spellcheck: check your spelling

intervene (v): 介入


ie. she adapted to her new life.

finals – championship final round

semifinals – 4

Speaking exercise

There are a lot of play mode designed with it.
A lot of play modes were designed based on Arcane.

Last year was the IG win the champions
IG won the championship last year./IG was the world champion last year.

they made a big loading page for celebrate for them
they made a big loading page for celebrations
they made a big loading page as celebrations
they made a big loading page celebrating for them

there was nothing happened
Nothing happened there

who break the laws will in jail up to 13 years
People/Those who break the laws will be in jail for up to 13 years

Writing exercise

To this year, LOL has been online for eleven years. This game also has its glory and decline. When it first came out/it was first introduced to the public, its unique moba game mode attracted a lot of players quickly. In Season 4, when the players were/became bored with its play mode, the designers decided to change a lot in the game, including the icons, character paintings, maps and so on. It was a big upgrade. At that time, the game had more than 27 million players per day , more than 67 million players per month and at least 7 million and 50 thousand players at the same time according to the official data. Since that, LOL had a big upgrade every year, so the players spent a lot of time in adapting to the new version in the early season. Many players gave up playing the game, but they continued to watch the world championships/world game/ follow…. In the next years, the designers decided to make LOL an IP to attract the players again. First, they asked the toys factories to make toys of the characters which is cute in games and also sold the jointly-designed toys. Then they published new game mode  – auto chess. And last year they published their first animation arcane which received a lot of fame and popularity. They made a deep impression on players through these derived productions. So LOL is becoming the part of players’ life. In the future, I think they can build a amusement park. Undoubtedly, LOL is one of most popular IP in the world.