Online Class Notes (Ally)


you’re hardly to find it
you can hardly notice it


chin: 下巴

lower face/arms/legs:

breeding: 育种

band-aids: 创口贴

sexist: 性别歧视

lucrative: 赚大钱

profitable :able to make profit


bark: 叫for dogs

puffy: 蓬蓬的


I can’t speak Chinese – i don’t know how, it’s not my ability
I couldn’t speak Chinese – it’s in my ability, but maybe because other foreigners, some reason limited my speaking

Speaking exercise

they don’t understand what am I saying
they didn’t/don’t understand what I am saying

That’s my first time to meet her
That’s my first time meeting her/That’s when I first met her

once every 2 months

when I take my dog go home the first day
when I took my dog back/back home/home the first day

she has nothing reaction
she has no reaction
she doesn’t act differently at all

I suggest you bought a bichon about 3 month
I suggest you buy a bichon about 3 month

the ugliest picture of my dog

there were some bichons in there
there were some bichons there/in the pet store/in the room

sometimes she knows how to do that rightly
sometimes she knows how to do that correctly

you’re hardly to find it
you can hardly notice it

