VIP Class Notes (Ally)


under construction


reserved/ordered: order an item

quotation marks: ” ”
ie. I was quoting him.

line up: pai dui

polarization: 两极分化; 极化强度; 偏振(化); 极化. polarized (adj)



sturdy: 结实的; 坚固的; 强壮的; 健壮的; 坚决的; 坚定的; 顽强的

material: leather, cloth, canvas, denim…

prejudice: 偏见

superstition: 迷信


eligible suitor: qualified guys

bangs: 刘海

Speaking exercise

I don’t know the specific name/bag/model.

centimeters heel

I asked them “will they increase the price?”
I asked the sales if they will increase the price.

they always line up outside the store.

the top/most premium brands

the consumption will be polarization in the future.
the consumption will be polarized in the future.

The normal things will be cheaper, the top luxury brands will continue to increase their price.

I think the calfskin is a bit more sturdy than the lambskin.

I never make a choice/make my decision based on other’s suggestions/opinions.

I haven’t met such person

they need to learn a lot of different industry
they need to know/learn about a lot of different industries
they need to learn the know-how of different industries.

they have to be smart and can learn things very quickly
they have to be smart and able to things very quickly