Online Class Notes (Ally)


internship: 实习岗位


fit: healthy looking

adapt to: 适应

prejudice: 偏见

crush: 暗恋

lost touch:失去联络




overspend:花钱过多; 比(预计的)花得多; 超支


presentable: 像样的; 体面的; 可接受的; 符合要求的
ie. She looks presentable

Speaking exercise

I can share you.
I can share something interesting/some interesting news with you.

and tried to make some cooperation
and tried to cooperate with me

a good way for me to touch the market
a good way for me to get in touch with the market

they don’t have enough experience

she looks beautiful
she looks presentable

she is fit

he said I should give them an opportunity, and I did.

This is not really strange
This is not unusual = this is normal

I don’t have any prejudice against them.

It’s not relevant. They’re not related.

I noticed her fancy clothes.

She got a better offer than me.
She got a better offer than us (our company.)