Online Class Notes (Ally)


timing: 时机

elite: 精英; 上层集团; (统称)掌权人物

networking: build人际关系网

electronic components:电子元器件

shortage: 不足; 缺少; 短缺

overexertion: 太费力;努力过度;用力过猛; 伤力; 过度负荷

entrance fee: 门票; 入场费; 入会费

similarities: (n)similar

legal/law firms: 律师事务所

legal counsellors/consultants: 法律顾问



older people

Speaking exercise

the timing is great.

a club lots of foreigners join there
a club with a lot of foreigners

it is not limited the national
People in the club are from different countries

I’m late to go there.
I arrived later.

the phone call is coming
I had a call come in