Online Class Notes (Ally)

Next Class Focus

go through speaking mistakes + homework


“The young people is not as clever as what we think”


mood swing: huge change in mood

strained: (adj) tense

two peas in a pod: bros who are similar

national morale: 士气

waning: 衰落; 衰败; 败落; 减弱; 缺; 亏

subservient: 顺从的; 谄媚的; 恭顺的; 驯服的; 卑躬屈膝的; 次要; 从属于

peasants: (尤指昔日或贫穷国家的)农民,小农,佃农; 老粗; 土包子; 没教养的人 lower-class (old days)

Speaking exercise

the frequency of his illness may 2 – 3 years
he may relapse maybe every 2-3 years 

the uncertainties of his disease always impact on me

unknown things always make you scared

the relationship between the countries are very nervous

for America to intercept the reunion maybe the important action to verify its power.

one of the subjects of Lu Xun’s works is to discuss about the survival problem

the middle and upper class takes up little scale of China