Online Class Notes (Ally)


guaranteed: for sure

intention: 意愿

oversee:监督; 监视 supervise

make adjustments:调整

tied up in something: inside something, you can’t get it out

Speaking exercise

Why don’t I build a production line to build my own products?

a discount on the price

I don’t want to put more money inside it
I don’t want to put more money in it

“Do you have enough orders?”
“For now, I have.” – I do.

Everything is possible.
Nothing is guaranteed.

take on the risks

I gave him more than 60% of all of his orders.
My orders make up more than 60% of his total orders.

He is very keen to build/own a factory together.
He has strong intention to ….

Maybe the result will worse than you build the factory before
Maybe it will be worse if you built the factory.