Online Class Notes (Ally)


Edit by yourself: “what mistake? why? fix it.”

they can change with each other

every year there are several people in SH

they’re the first one to not publish the game in tencent or any other agent.

Is it on wegame?


plugin: 插件


restroom: bathroom / toilet

recreation room: playing room

entertainment room: media room

play pool: 打台球.

election: vote for a new prime minister
ie. They’re going to hold an election soon.

pre-requisite courses/pre-req: 先修课程

miracle: 奇迹

popup: 弹窗


I thought – I used to think (not now)

“you are not working there right now?”

gain: knowledge, experience …

“what was your plan? (originally)” vs “what’s your plan”
“no, I haven’t changed my plan, this has always been my plan.”

it took + time

Speaking exercise

they can change with each other

every year there are several people in SH

they’re the first one to not publish the game in tencent or any other agent.

they have an agreement with tencent that said they will split the profits in half.

“how to say”
“how can I say…”

I will see it
I will check it

The game called RS.. is just spend one week
The designer spent one week to create that game called…
The game called RS … took one week.

they take a short time.
they don’t take a long time/very long.

gain money
make money

Writing exercise

Recently, we plan to move a new place to go to work because the place which I used to work is too small to hold so many workers, so we visited the new environment. During the time of visiting, we played a lot of games. At First, the adminstrator told some equipments in the building. There are rest rooms ,office area,meeting room and gym in there. We were excited when we heard that we have a table of 8-balls in one rest room. Then we went to find puzzles which had been hiden by them in the office area. At last, I found the three of puzzles and with the help of other colleagues ,we succeeded in finishing the puzzles. We gained the packets of snacks and some little items. Some of them were invited to draw a picture to express the feeling of new year and new place. They drawed some cute charactor of tigers.


Recently, my company planned/have been planning/are planning to move/on moving to a new place/office/location because the original/old office is too small for so many workers, so we visited the new environment.

During the time of our visit (n), we played a lot of games.

At first, the administrator introduced us to the equipment in the building.

There are rest rooms ,office areas, meeting rooms and a gym.

We were excited when we heard that we have a table of 8-balls in a recreation room.

Then we went to find puzzle pieces (n) which had been hidden by administrators in the office area.

At last, I found three puzzle pieces / three of the puzzle pieces and with the help of other colleagues, we succeeded in finishing the puzzle.

We got the packets of snacks and some little gifts/prizes.

Some of us were invited to draw a picture to express our feeling of the New Year’s holidays and the new place.

They drew some cute tigers.